265 research outputs found

    Adiponectin and leptin in pregnancy induced hypertension, a matter of weight

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    Niveles bajos circulantes de adiponectina en conjunto con niveles altos de leptina han sido identicados como fac- tores de riesgo noveles para diabetes y preeclampsia. Aun en presencia de embarazo normal, mujeres son sobrepeso embarazados tienen concentraciones bajas de adiponec- tina en comparación con aquellas normopeso. Más aún, niveles bajos de adiponectina en el primero trimestre es un factor de riesgo independiente para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus gestacional (GDM). Concentraciones cir- culantes de leptina durante el embarazo, se elevan 2 o 3 veces por encima de lo observado en mujeres no gestan- tes, y se elevan aún más en preeclampsia. Desafortunada- mente, no hay existen puntos de referencia reproducibles y validados para leptina mensuales en el embarazo. Es ne- cesario estandarizar (si es necesario) los posibles valores de referencia de estas adipokinas como marcadores de desarrollo de preeclampsia

    Expresión de citoqueratinas y presencia de células ovales. Implicaciones para el estudio del desarrollo del carcinoma hepático

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    Hepatic carcinoma is one of the most frequently occurring tumors in the Western World with a high mortality rate because it is usually not detected until it is in the advanced clinical stages. The expression of cytokeratins (CK) in the liver, and the presence of oval cells, represents a new investigative field that is focused on the understanding of the development of hepatic neoplasias. The intermediate filaments of cytokeratins are the most numerous structural proteins present in the hepatocytes and in the bile ducts. The study of the oval cells and the expression of cytokeratins offers a new line of study in the development and evolution of the hepatocelular carcinoma

    Dr. José Ignacio Bartolache Semblanza

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    Es un resumen biográfico del Dr. José Ignacio Bartolache.En el siglo XVIII, europeos como Buffon, De Pauw, entre otros, decían que el continente americano era más nuevo y por lo tanto inmaduro; Raynal calificó al criollo como un ser indolente, indiferente y con vicios. Sin embargo, los criollos preparados entraron en su propia defensa. José Ignacio Bartolache y Díaz de Posadas publicó Lecciones de matemáticas y creó una publicación periódica ilustrada para divulgar asuntos relacionados con la medicina y física fundamentalmente, bajo el título de Mercurio Volante. Bartolache apuntaba al significado social del conocimiento científico como un instrumento para fortalecer el concepto de nación y de patria

    Hepatitis C

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    El virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) es el agente etiológico más común, concomitante con la transfusión sanguínea y con la hepatitis de la comunidad no-A, no-B, con una seroprevalencia mundial estimada de 1%. Este virus RNA se identificó en 1988 y hasta la fecha se reconocen seis genotipos. La infección por el VHC se vincula con una plétora de alteraciones inmunológicas y autoinmunitarias. Los mecanismos propuestos de su patogenicidad son: 1) El VHC es directamente citotóxico, 2) ocurre una reactividad citotóxica de células T, 3) el alto promedio de mutaciones en la región hipervariable del genoma viral (la región Es/NS1), le permite al virus escapar de la respuesta inmunitaria humeral y celular del huésped, 4) los monocitos y macrófagos infectados pueden contribuir al daño del hepatocito. El tratamiento farmacológico actual para la hepatitis C crónica es una dosis semanal subcutánea de interferón pegilado, en combinación con una dosis diaria de ribavirina, con una respuesta serológica sostenida de cerca del 55% de los pacientes infectados

    Modelo experimental de correlación potencia-tiempo-daño de los efectos de la radiofrecuencia

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    Se publican los resultados de un modelo animal para evaluar los efectos de la radiofrecuencia en base a los valores de potencia y tiempo de exposición.Introducción: La radiofrecuencia es la terapéutica de primera elección para tratar una amplia variedad de arritmias. Objetivo: Demostrar que la radiofrecuencia produce daño limitado y determinar la correlación entre potencia-tiempo- daño. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, experimental. Se conformaron dos grupos de once perros cada uno. A través de la vena femoral derecha se introdujo un electrocatéter, colocando la punta en la cavidad auricular derecha. Por medio de control digital, se emitió una descarga con potencia y tiempo previamente seleccionados. El área de necrosis se midió microscópicamente. El análisis estadístico se hizo con modelo parabólico. Resultados: En el modelo parabólico con tiempo constante, el error estándar fue de 0.3750. Conclusiones: Los resultados confirman que las lesiones producidas por la radiofrecuencia son limitadas y predecibles, y sugieren que el área de lesión parece correlacionar mejor con la potencia en un modelo parabólico.Coordinación de Investigación de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

    Degree of Control and Main Complications of Hyperthyroid Pregnant Women in a Real Life Experience with Methimazol

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    Hyperthyroidism is one of the main endocrinopathies during pregnancy. The aim of this project was to identify the degree of control of hyperthyroid pregnant women based on the recommendations of the American Thyroid Association (ATA) in a real situation without the availability of propylthiouracil. This was a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study, including medical files of pregnant women with hyperthyroidism between 18 and 35 years. They were classified as having "Adequate" control if their thyroid profiles were within the recommendations of the ATA and had no adrenergic symptoms; and were categorized as having "Inadequate" control if they were not stabilized with monotherapy, or if they required high doses of antithyroid drugs or beta-blockers or showed serious complications including the need of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for mothers or neonates. The Chi square test was performed between treatment groups during the third trimester and the complications of pregnant women or neonates. A total of 173 hyperthyroid pregnant women were studied with an average age of 21 ± 4.7 years. Of the 33 patients with hyperthyroidism who received monotherapy with methimazole until the end of pregnancy, 23 (69.69%) were classified as having "Adequate" control. In a real life situation there is delay in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy but even without propylthiuracil, an “Adequate” control can be reached in up to 20.53% of cases based on a methimazole monotherapy

    Familial autoimmune thyroid disease and PTPN-22

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    Aim Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is a multifactorial disease with a genetic predisposition. The protein tyrosine phosphatase-22 (PTPN-22) gene is a powerful inhibitor of T-cell activation. The aim of this study was to compare messenger RNA (mRNA) PTPN22 expression between healthy persons and patients with hypothyroidism and with their affected relatives. Methods This was a cross-sectional, prospective and descriptive study. DNA was extracted from leukocytes (4,000-10,000 cells) using the Magna Pure LC 2.0 Instrument and MagNA Pure LC RNA Isolation Kit I (Roche, Germany). A real-time polymerase reaction (qPCR) was performed utilizing the primer sets specific for the PTPN-22 gene, and the succinate dehydrogenase complex, the subunit A, Flavoprotein (Fp) (SDHA) constitutive gene. All reactions were performed with the 7500 Fast Real Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Applera International, Inc. Cheshire, UK) employing the SYBR Advantage qPCR Premix Kit (Clontech, USA). Results Twenty five patients with AITD (hypothyroidism), all females (mean age 39.6 ± 11.8 years) and 23 control subjects (mean age 24.4 ± 4.2 years) were included in the study. There was no statistical difference between both groups in PTPN-22 mRNA expression (p = 0.125). Conclusion There is no clear difference in mRNA PTPN-22 expression. The ideal genes for a systematic screening for familial AITD are yet to be found.This work was partially funded by Ciprés Grupo Médico (CGM)

    NF-κΒ and SOD expression in preeclamptic placentas

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    Background/aim: Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal death in the developing world. Our aim was to quantify and compare messenger (mRNA) expression of nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-κΒ) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in control patients with preeclampsia and without preeclampsia with or without familial hereditary background. Materials and methods: Four groups of patients were formed depending on the presence or absence of preeclampsia and presence or absence of familial history for preeclampsia. NF-κΒ and SOD were measured in human placentas by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The 2–ΔΔct analysis method was used to measure the difference in the relative expression of the target genes in each group of patients. Results: In NF-κΒ expression, there was an increase of 23.35% in the group of women with preeclampsia versus women with preeclampsia without familial history. Regarding SOD, there was a reduction of about 33.33% in the expression in women with preeclampsia with familial history versus women with preeclampsia without familial history. Conclusion: Familial presence of preeclampsia could predispose to altered expression in SOD and NF-κΒ.This project was partially funded by PROMEP/103.5/09/7342, Secretaría de Educación Pública, Mexico, and the Asociación Científica Latina (ASCILA)

    Dyslipidemia is a persistent problem in puerperium with or without preeclampsia.

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    Purpose of investigation: To compare serum levels of triglycerides and cholesterol and the dyslipidemic factor (DLF): (triglycerides (mg/dl)/150) X (cholesterol (mg/dl)/200) among puerperal women with or without preeclampsia. Materials and Methods: three groups of puerperal women were formed: group A uncomplicated deliveries, group B deliveries complicated with preeclampsia that had not attended the Obstetric Intensive Care Unit (OICU); and group C puerperal women complicated with preeclampsia and that had attended the OICU. Results: The authors studied a total of 47 puerperal women, 14 without complications, 11 complicated with preeclampsia, and 22 complicated with preeclampsia requiring attention at the OICU. Thirteen (92.8%) puerperal women without complications and 100% of puerperal women complicated with preeclampsia had triglycerides higher than 150 mg/dl at least three days post-delivery. Furthermore, six puerperal women without complications (42.8%), one puerperal woman complicated with preeclampsia (9%), and eight puerperal women complicated with preeclampsia requiring attention at the OICU (36.3%) had levels in crescendo. Conclusions: Hypertriglyceridemia is a persistent problem in puerperal women who suffered preeclampsia and the DLF could be a useful tool to evaluate a mixed lipemic state. Finally, preeclampsia and dyslipidemia might be considered as risk factors to develop chronic endothelial disease (CED)